
Market & Event Programme 2021 Update

Market & Event Programme 2021 Update

We have over the last week been speaking to the local authorities in Northern Ireland about our tour and visits to Enniskillen, Belfast and Cookstown collectively they have unfortunately made the decsion to not stage events and markets until the earliest July 2021, so today we have sadly cancelled all three markets.

However in good news we have secured two new venues for the programme,  the seaside town of Whitehaven in Cumbria in June and pre our Christmas Market visit Cheltenham in August.

Both of these venues are now on the website. Please rest assured we are working hard to fill dates were a market has cancelled, so please keep visiting the website as you can imagine the situation is very fluid and we are continuing to speak to local authorities and BIDS to ensure we secure the best venues avaliable.

Please email if you have any questions. 


Kind Regards Market Place Team


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